Scottsdale Weightloss Center
Are You a Serial Dieter or Weight Manager?

Are You a Serial Dieter or Weight Manager?

It’s not unusual for people to have tried dozens of diets before coming to Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. If this sounds like you or someone you know, the problem likely lies in the understanding of obesity as a disease. Dieting without weight loss results can be...
Blogging for Weight Loss

Blogging for Weight Loss

A weight loss journal is one of the most effective ways to keep yourself accountable. A journal can be anything, from a phone app to a little notebook. But for some, writing in a journal for private reflection doesn’t sound all that fun. Blogging is a great...
How Much Exercise Is Enough?

How Much Exercise Is Enough?

One barrier to exercise is the belief that you have to break a sweat for 30-60 minutes to gain any benefit. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, just a small amount of exercise improves health. If that’s the case, then how much exercise is enough? The...
Making it Work with Weight Loss Medications

Making it Work with Weight Loss Medications

The majority of people who take part in a medical weight loss program have tried to lose weight in the past, usually without success. For the average person, this includes past experience with a combination of weight loss methods, some planned and well-organized,...