Right Now Is the Best Time to Lose Weight!
John V. deGuzman, MD It’s always a good time to start losing weight. It will make you feel healthier, less stressed, and better overall. The longer you hold off your weight loss program, the harder it will be, so why not start now. Common Excuses It is easy to make...
Adopting Healthy Habits for Weight Loss
Losing weight is a hard thing to do! Once you establish certain habits, changing them is difficult—even when you know those changes are for the better. To experience true, sustainable weight loss, you may need to incorporate some habit changes into your weight loss...
Why You Should Drink More Water & How
Diana Bone FNP-C We’ve all heard from our mothers to drink more fluids, especially in Arizona when the weather is over 100 degrees. Even during a medical weight loss program, your doctor will recommend a set number of fluid ounces. According to the National Academies...