How to Breath Deeply for Weight Loss

How to Breath Deeply for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be stressful. It isn’t always easy to balance normal life with the added responsibilities of exercise, diet, or a weight loss program. Ironically, stress is also one competent of weight gain. To manage stress levels, use deep breathing as a...
How Fast Food Contributes to Obesity

How Fast Food Contributes to Obesity

John V. deGuzman, MD We can all agree that fast food is: High in calories High in fat (especially saturated and trans fats) High in sugar and simple carbohydrates High in salt Served in large portions (would you like to supersize that?) Low in cost Convenient Given...
How Much Exercise Is Enough?

How Much Exercise Is Enough?

One barrier to exercise is the belief that you have to break a sweat for 30-60 minutes to gain any benefit. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, just a small amount of exercise improves health. If that’s the case, then how much exercise is enough? The...