Scottsdale Weightloss Center

9 Super Skin Care Tips for Spring


The long months of winter are finally nearing their end, and it’ll soon be spring. This is the season of renewal, so if your skin is looking a little worse for wear after the last few months, it’s the perfect time to start putting things right.

1) Go Easy in the Sun

After seemingly endless weeks of cold and dark days, it’s great to finally feel the sun on your skin. But go easy – the sun’s UV rays are strong even in spring, and your skin will have lost much of its resistance over winter.

By all means enjoy the sunlight, but don’t forget to use sunscreen, and cover up lightly if you’re going to be outdoors for a long time.

2) Exercise Outdoors

But being careful with sunlight doesn’t mean hiding away completely. Spring is the perfect season for taking outdoor exercise, boosting blood flow to your skin, sweating out toxins, and getting more all-important vitamin D into the bargain.

3) Exfoliate Regularly

If you’ve suffered from chapped or dry skin over the winter, it’s natural to have cut back on exfoliating. However, it’s time to step it back up when spring arrives.

Months of outdoor cold and indoor heating can leave your skin needing a thorough refresh, and exfoliating with a mild scrub is the way to do it. Start now, and you’ll be laying down a good foundation of fresh, healthy skin for when summer arrives.

4) Protect Your Eyes

The sudden appearance of bright sunny days can leave you squinting in surprise. Using a gentle eye cream will help prevent this causing fine lines and wrinkles, while wearing large sunglasses will provide extra protection to keep your eyes looking and feeling fresh.

5) Remember Allergies

If you suffer from hay fever or other seasonal allergies, it’s best to begin preventative treatments in plenty of time. Start taking your medications now, but also start applying plenty of moisturizer to your nose and face so that your skin is supple and strong. This will help it cope with the damaging effects of allergy symptoms when they do arrive.

6) Step Up Water Consumption

Warmer air combined with spring breezes can dehydrate your skin surprisingly quickly, and this is the number one enemy of smooth, supple skin. If you’ve been lax about drinking your eight glasses of water a day, now’s the time to get back into the groove.

7) Enjoy More Fresh Foods

It’s natural in winter to enjoy heavy, comforting food that keeps out the cold. As the season changes, take full advantage of the fresh foods that begin to appear in the stores, making sure your skin gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs for perfect health.

8) Go Oil-Free

Winter usually calls for heavy-duty moisturizers to keep out harsh winds, but these products can be overkill once warmer weather arrives. Powerful oil-based cosmetics can leave your springtime skin feeling greasy and heavy, so switch to lighter, oil-free products instead.

9) Spring-Clean Your Makeup Kit

And lastly, spring is the perfect time to give your makeup kit a clean out. Check that your creams, lotions, and potions are all within their use-by dates, and replace any that are past their best.

Also, it’s a good idea to replace brushes and other items that have seen plenty of action over winter. They’ll have picked up a residue of dead skin cells and other gunk, which can cause acne breakouts or even skin infections.

Spring is the traditional time of new starts and positive changes. If the harsh weather of winter has taken its toll on your skin, now’s the time to get your complexion back on track ready for summer.

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