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Acomplia won’t make it to US

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In October, Acomplia (Rimonabant), the endocannabinoid receptor antagonist was removed from the European market. Reports of depression and suicidal thoughts have prevented FDA approval of the med. In a recent study, 5 patients committed suicide while on the medication, compared to 1 on placebo of the 36,000 patients under study. Safe to say, this medication won’t reach the US market.

Are there medications available for treatment of obesity? Medications taken while on a low or very low calorie diet improves weight loss by 50%. Fenfluramine was removed from the market due to heart valvular disorders. Phentermine, deithylpropion, sibutramine and phendimetrazine are useful tools in the treatment of obesity. When taken without proper dietary advice and exercise, they rarely work.

Will there ever be a “magic pill?” History has shown this not to be the case. Successful weight loss and maintenance occurs when you put all of the keys in the safe deposit box:

  1. Comprehensive nutritional plan-that provides all of the nutrients (protein, vitamins, minerals) you need without all of the calories you need.
  2. Exercise of at least 12 miles walking or 3 hours weekly of vigorous activity
  3. Behavioral changes that last. Most communities offer excellent classes that teach these toos.
  4. Accountibility and monitoring. This can be done by a support group or weight loss doctor, with or without the use of appetite supressants.
  5. A plan for maintenance that includes a specific plan if you regain even 3 pounds.

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